History of the Latimer Quilt and Textile Center

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Latimer Quilt & Textile Center
“One of the bigger stories of Tillamook County has been the Latimer Quilt and Textile Center in Tillamook. Beginning with an abandoned school house with blackberries growing through the floors and birds finding safe havens through holes in the ceilings and a common dream, its supporters have not disappointed anyone but the birds and the blackberries.”

 - Van Moe, local television/radio personality

The fully restored Maple Leaf School, now the Latimer Quilt and Textile Center, is one-quarter mile east of Highway 101, just south and east of the Tillamook Cheese Factory. The location brings visitors into the Center from all over the world.
The Latimer Center has made great progress since its opening in 1991. It is now a 501(c)3 non-profit institution, which has already completed the first two phases of the American Association of Museums Assessment Program. The Center employs an office manager to run the center and to oversee volunteer help, along with one part-time employee.


1892 - James and Permelia Latimer donated land, and a one-room building was hauled to the site to serve as the school.

1900 - An L-shaped two-room structure was built and called the Maple Leaf School.

'30's - In the late 1930's, a new structure with two classrooms and an auditorium was built.

1959 - The last class was held in the building, which was then used as a storage, maintenance and repair facility for Tillamook School District # 9.

1985 - Latimer heirs donated the land and building to the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum Foundation in memory of James and Permelia Latimer.

1991 - On Memorial Day, 1991, the building was opened as the Latimer Quilt and Textile Center.

1993 - With the building fully restored and functional, a dedication was held in memory of the Latimers, and in honor of Clara Fairfield, whose vision and dedication created the Latimer Center.

1996 - The Textile Repository building was completed with the installation of regulation museum storage facilities.

1997 - MAP I, the first phase of the American Association of Museums Assessment Program, was completed.

1999 - MAP II, the second phase of the American Association of Museums Assessment Program was completed.

2001 - A new cabinet with pullout drawers for display of small items was installed in the East Room.

2003 - New computer and Past Perfect software installed in the repository.

2004 - New lighting installed in the weaving room, quilting room and gift shop area.

2005 - New lighting was installed in the library and office. We also had the major portion of our repository collection professionally assessed. Half the roof replaced.

2008 - New shelving placed in West Room and Gift Shop.

2011 - Library moved to back of the stage in the auditorium. Shelving built, greatly expanding storage space and creating a wall towards the gallery. This area also serves as a meeting and workshop area.

2012 - Second half of roof replaced.

2013 - Fundraising began to repair deteriorating walls and

2014 - Exhibit hall outer and one interior wall were replaced. Windows in the east and west rooms, as well as the exterior and interior north walls were replaced.
Fund raising for the south and east wall of the main building continued.

2016 - South and East Wall of the main building are finished.  Everything is sided, painted and new gutters have been installed.  A new HVAC system is in and working great.   The front entry stairs were replaced for appearance and safety.